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Removing aged glue stains from Dutch 17thcentury print: coupling hydrolytic enzymes and precision heat transfer mat
Pranas Gudynas Art Conservation Center at the National Gallery of Lithuania, Vilnius.
Since 2013 IMAT has been used for diverse enzymatic treatments (removing animal glue, starch and oil) of over 80 works on paper at Lithuanian Art Museum. As an example, aged glue residues were removed from a print by Gillian van der Gouwen (1640-1720), 18,8 x 11,2 cm, Acc.# G-11040. Alcalase 2.5L DX at 0.1% (v/v) was used in 5% Tylose MH300. The gel was applied to both sides of the print, covered with polypropylene film and IMAT mats were positioned on both sides. While at room temperature (19ºC) enzymes did not have much effect on aged protein stains, but treatment at 45ºC removed the stains completely.
Published in:
Markevicius T., Syversen T., Chan E., Olsson N., Skov Hilby C., Simaite R. [2018] ‘Cold, warm, warmer use of precision heat transfer in the optimization of hydrolytic enzyme and hydrogel cleaning systems’ Gels in Conservation conference, International Academic Projects,. Ed. Angelova L., Ormsby B., Townsend J.H., Wolbers R., ISBN 9781909492509
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