Magnani M., Bassi A., Scalarone D., Poli T., Markevicius T. (2024) "Study and Restoration Treatment of Collage by Giulio Turcato: From Precision Mild Heat Transfer Using IMAT Nanotechnology to Novel Sustainable Methods and Strategies for Consolidation and Reintegration, Contemporary Art Network Session Volume Two, 2022, Pages: 50–66, Editors: Gabrielle Crowther, Delia Müller-Wüsten, and Martha Singer, ISSN 2993-2971, 2024, the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works. Download soon!
Markevičius T., Olsson N., Chillé C., Magnani M., Serra Sánchez P., Wicks E., Conti L., Acciai A. (2023) Mobile Accurate Temperature (MAT): How low-energy mats may change approaches to heat transfer; IIC News in Conservation, June-July 2023. Download here
Olsson N., Markevičius T. (2022) 'New methods of heat transfer for structural treatments of paintings on canvas', Proceedings of Conserving Canvas Symposium, organized by Yale University and Getty Foundation at Yale University Oct 14-16, 2019. Forthcoming, Getty Publications. Download here
Markevicius T., Olsson N., Magnani M., Liu Y., Paganin M. (2022) 'Innovation in precision low-energy heat transfer using flexible heating mats for targeted treatments in paintings and paper conservation”, Florence Heri-Tech conference, May 16-18, 2022, peer-reviewed, in print by Springer.
Paganin M., Gianferrari M., Gioia R., Markevicius T. (2021) 'Sandwich - IMAT: Un Nuovo Sistema di Distacco delle Stampe Fotografiche Storiche dal Supporto Secondario, XIX Congresso Nazionale IGIIC – Lo Stato dell’Arte 19 – Udine 2021. Download here
Markevičius T., Carfagni M., Furferi R., Governi L., Hegelbach R., Meyer H., Olsson N., Saborowski K., Seymour K., Volpe Y. (2021) ‘The first application of Carbon Nanotubes-based coating in the field of art conservation: the IMAT project, and the development of new mild heat transfer technology’ Chapter 9, Handbook of Modern Coating Technologies. Applications, Elsevier, 2021, 81-163.
Krumrine K. (2019) 'An Innovative Technique for Reforming Cellulose Acetate in an Architectural Model of Rockefeller Plaza: Challenges of Preserving Modern, Unstable Restorations; AIC's 47th Annual Meeting "New Tools, Techniques, and Tactics in Conservation and Collection Care, 13-17 May 2019. Download here
Markevičius T., Olsson N., Hegelbach R., Furferi R., Meyer H., Seymour K., Saborowski K., Borgiolli L., Amorosi L., Conti L., Šimaite R., Kiele E., Lenaerts S., Beirings J., ‘New approaches to an old problem: precision heat transfer method for nuances treatment of contemporary and modern artworks (2017), 18th Triennial Conference of the International Council of Museums Committee for Conservation (ICOM-CC) Copenhagen, 4 - 8 September 2017, proceedings. Download here
Schwoll S., Angelova L., Mitchell R. (2018)‘Chancery Master Exhibits - piecing it back together’ AIC’s 46thannual meeting post-prints 2018.
Markevičius T., Syversen T., Chan E., Olsson N., Skov Hilby C., Šimaitė R., ‘Cold, warm, warmer: use of precision heat transfer in the optimization of hydrolytic enzyme and hydrogel cleaning systems (2018), Gels in Conservation Conference, International Academic Projects, 2018. Ed. Angelova L., Ormsby B., Townsend J.H., Wolbers R., ISBN 9781909492509. Download here
Markevičius T., Olsson N., ‘Innovative Applications of Heating Mat and Low-Pressure Systems for the Lining and Minimal Structural Treatment of Paintings’, 45th AIC Annual Meeting in Chicago (8 May-2 June 2017). Download here
Markevičius T., Olsson N., Carfagni M., Furferi R., GoverniL., Puggelli L., (2012) ‘IMAT Project: From Innovative Nanotechnology to Best Practices in Art Conservation, Ioannides M., Fritsch D., Leissner J., Davies R., RemondinoF., CaffoR. (eds) Progress in Cultural Heritage Preservation. EuroMed2012. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol7616. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, p. 784. Download here
Markevicius T., Olsson N., Borgiolli L., Amorosi L., Conti L., ‘Imat: il calore controllato’, in ‘Stato d’Arte’, proceedings of 12th National Conference of the Italian group of International Institute of Conservation (IIC), (2014) ISBN 9788840444512. Download here
Markevičius T., Olsson N., ‘La coperta termica come alternativa alla tavola scaldante: verso il nuovo impiantomobile accuratotermico ad alta precisione per il restauro strutturale delle opered’arte mobili policromi, Proceedings of VIII Congresso Nazionale IGIIC, Lo Statodell'Arte, Venice, 16-18 September 2010 p. 321. Download here
Markevicius T., Furferi R., Olsson N., Meyer H., Governi L., Carfagni M., Volpe Y., Hegelbach R., ‘Towards the development of a novel nanotube-based flexible mild heater for art conservation, Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials, 03/2014;4(2014) DOI: 10.5772/58472. Download here
Markevičius T., Meyer H., Saborowski K., Olsson N., Furferi R., ‘Carbon nanotubes in art conservation’, International Magazine of Conservation Science, 2013 ISSN: 2067-533X Volume 4, Special Issue, 2013. Download here
Markevičius T., Olsson N., Furferi R., Meyer H., ‘Flexible mild heaters in structural conservation of paintings: state of the art and conceptual design of a carbon nanotubes-based heater’, Journal of Applied Sciences, 12 (3), pp. 211-220; 2013. Download here
Markevičius T., Olsson N. (2010): Flexible thermal blanket and low-pressure envelope system in the structural treatment of modern and traditional paintings on canvas, AIC 38th Annual Meeting Painting Specialty Group Postprints, Milwaukee, 11-14 May 2010: 63-72. Download here
Liu Y.,(2019): 'An Innovative Heat Transfer Method for Solving Old Mending Glued with Proteinaceous Adhesives in Manuscripts and Rare Books, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20332.31363; Thesis for: Master of Art; Advisor: Prof. Erwin Emmerling, Dr. Irmhild Ceynowa, Dr. Thorsten Allscher, Karin Eckstein, M.A. Download here